Tips To Have A Positive Day
Have you ever met someone who is genuinely joyful or has such a sunny spirit? I think we all crave that mindset that makes a person “happy.” I’ve put together a handful of ideas to start off your day in a happy mood.
No. 1 – Wake up early. This is definately easier said than done, but I’ve found that if I have enough time to leisurely get ready and enjoy my morning tea, I’m generally happier.
No. 2 – Have a happy playlist. Whether you have Spotify, Amazon music, or another music streaming app, make a collection of songs that are upbeat, and lift your spirits.
No. 3 – Read the bible. If you intentionally set aside time to dig deep into the Word, your day will look different, as you’ll be reminded of what Christ did for us. If we have tasted of His love and peace, how can it not overflow into our daily lives and give us joy.
No. 4 – Keep treats handy. I have a lingering sweet tooth, so if I ever need a little pick-me-up, it’s wonderful to have something sweet on hand. Sweets are personal, and the possibilities are endless. Me? I’m partial to a bag of twizzlers.
No. 5 – Be active. When I’m out in the sunshine, soaking up vitamin d, I’m always my happiest. I’m a runner, but you might be a power-walker or biker; find a outdoor sport that gets your blood flowing and keeps you off the couch all day.
No. 6 – Schedule me-time. Whatever you hobby is – sports, crafts, nature, you name it – make time to do what you love. You can also use your passion to make other people’s day, donate a bit of happiness in some way or form. For example, if you’re artsy, create something for a friend.
No. 7 – Make a happy list. This is an idea I borrowed from Lonestar Southern, one of my favorite fashion bloggers: you compile a list of all your favorite things, from food to places to activities. As you keep adding to the list, it’s fun to scroll through and see what you were loving that week or month.
Why should you cultivate a joyful spirit? It’s the best remedy for complaining and our joy points to the ultimate joy-giver, the only one who provides true happiness. We can radiate His love through a joyful spirit.
“Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.” The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.” – Psalm 126:2-3.