Faith,  Wellness

Book Review: This Changes Everything

This book truly did change everything for me, giving me a new perspective and godly, motivational advice. One of the many things I love about this book is that the author, Jaqelle Crowe, is a teen girl just like us and shares real-life experiences that we can relate to. I admire Jaquelle because she is so passionate about and grounded in her faith; she is so transparent and authentic.

This short-read explores how we as teenagers can pursue sanctification through a deeper relationship with the Lord and how that overflows into every part of our lives. It walks us through the ways Christ changes us for the better as we grow in wisdom and stature, and challenges teens to eat “chicken nuggets.” I thought I would summarize each chapter in a couple brief sentences:

  1. Our identity: who we are in Christ and how that shapes our character
  2. Our story: the gospel, God’s story, which gives us a new perspective and worldview.
  3. Our community: loving and following the Lord means we interact and invest in our church family.
  4. Our sin: believers are rescued from sin through justification and pursue holiness through sanctification, actively fighting sin.
  5. Our disciplines: “the 5th chapter is about our disciplines, the different tasks we do out of a love for God and a desire for godliness.”
  6. Our growth: we’re always being shaped and molded by God, we’re thriving in joy, hope, and peace, and we’re learning to be more discerning.
  7. Our time: time is so fleeting, so precious, so how can we better manage our time, as well as redeeming lost and wasted time.
  8. Our relationships: how we relate to those around us, parents, siblings, and friends included.

This book is so convicting, inspiring, and transforming; when we taste and see that the Lord is indeed good, then that changes our whole life, and we seek to live for His glory. I liked this quote, “be humble, be wonder struck, be faithful, and throw yourself into a single-focused pursuit of this King of the universe.” What a call to action! I highly recommend this read to all teens yearning to chew on something meaty, something that will point you to the cross and demonstrate what it really means to trust in Jesus.

Here is a link to purchase your own copy. 🙂



My name is Seabrook, and I'm a craft-loving, color-chasing, Christ-following teen blogger! I aspire to influence my peers to pursue a feministic and simplistic lifestyle through affordable, sophisticated fashion. On my blog, you'll find curated inspiration for style, beauty, creativity, faith, and wellness.