
How To Consistently Keep a Weekly Journal

One of my goals for 2022 has been to journal weekly. Whether it’s a bullet-point list of the week’s highlights or a reflection prayer, taking the time to journal is a rewarding practice. Looking back at old journals and reliving the ‘good old days’ is such a joy – journals are treasures! Brainstorming writing prompts and carving out time to write can be tricky, so here are a few tips to keep up your journal!

  1. Find a journal you love

Go to Target, Staples, or another office supply store and pick out a journal that you like! You’ll be surprised what a difference a beautiful notebook makes in your writing. I have a journal set of aqua and teal journals that are pretty enough to be displayed on my shelf!

2. Make it creative

Your journal can be more like a sketchbook, a collection of doodles illustrating your life. If you have colored pencils or calligraphy pens, use the art supplies to embellish your writing!

3. Use a prompt

Sometimes, the hardest part about keeping a journal is knowing what to write about. Here are a few ideas:

  • aspirations, goals, future plans
  • struggles, what’s weighing on your heart
  • grateful and thankful list
  • personal strengths, weaknesses
  • favorite quotes
  • bible study/devotional reflections
  • learning experiences

4. Set a time

Depending on the timeline of your day, plan for a pocket of time where you can sit down and think about your week. If you’re an early bird, wake up a few minutes early and utilize the quiet stillness of the morning to be productive. If you’re a night owl, grab a blanket and journal as a way to wind down from the day.

5. Reference a planner

After a long week, it’s challenging to remember every detail and activity! If you keep a planner, refer back to your notes to review the highlights from the week.

Happy journeling!



My name is Seabrook, and I'm a craft-loving, color-chasing, Christ-following teen blogger! I aspire to influence my peers to pursue a feministic and simplistic lifestyle through affordable, sophisticated fashion. On my blog, you'll find curated inspiration for style, beauty, creativity, faith, and wellness.