
Breezy, Beachy Whites and Blues

Outfit Details

Shorts: https://www.loft.com/destructed-mid-rise-denim-cut-off-shorts-in-light-indigo-wash/528561?skuId=29910144&defaultColor=7211&catid=catl000015

Shirt: https://www.target.com/p/women-s-short-sleeve-t-shirt-universal-thread/-/A-78673853?preselect=78315246#lnk=sametab

Sneakers: https://www.belk.com/p/crown-ivy-sarra-sneakers/2900841MF0151CI.html

For an early spring break, our family traveled to Virginia Beach to visit family and Bush Gardens, an international-themed amusement park. Just before we left for our trip, I went on a spontaneous shopping spree and found these comfy denim shorts. I love the light wash and frayed edge, which adds a little trendy texture; these shorts are such a modest length, making them the perfect summer shorts. I wore a high neck white t-shirt on top, and I like the clean cut. This pairing of light blue denim and crisp white is a classic summer combo. Bring on the sunny weather!



My name is Seabrook, and I'm a craft-loving, color-chasing, Christ-following teen blogger! I aspire to influence my peers to pursue a feministic and simplistic lifestyle through affordable, sophisticated fashion. On my blog, you'll find curated inspiration for style, beauty, creativity, faith, and wellness.